Flappers and Philosophers

Flappers and Philosophers by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Flappers and Philosophers by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Flappers and Philosophers was the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It includes eight stories:

The Offshore Pirate
The Ice Palace
Head and Shoulders
The Cut-Glass Bowl
Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Dalyrimple Goes Wrong
The Four Fists

The Offshore Pirate is a long short story in 6 parts. It predates the screwball movie comedies of the 1930’s in that it features a determined young heiress trying to get what she wants out of life.

Bernice Bobs Her Hair is about a pretty but socially clueless Bernice who lets her know-it-all cousin push her around, but eventually, something’s gotta give!

The Ice Palace is a story about Sally Carrol Happer, a young southern woman from the fictional city of Tarleton, Georgia, who becomes engaged one summer to Harry Bellamy, a man from an unspecified northern town. The following winter, on a visit to Harry’s home town to meet Harry’s family, Sally Carrol begins to have second thoughts…

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