Tag Archives: listen to books online free

The Devil’s Garden

The Devil's Garden by W. B. Maxwell

The Devil's Garden by W. B. Maxwell

Risque for its time, but tame by today’s standards, The Devil’s Garden is a story of passion and mystery. William Dale, the main character of the story is Postmaster of Rodhaven. He is introduced as an honest peasant of uncompromising temper, whose rough nature is ever softened by his pretty wife Mavis. Mavis is an orphan raised by her Aunt Petherick. Known as Will, and referred to as Dale throughout the story, he gets into trouble at the post office but thanks to the intervention of the local magnet of Rodhaven, he is cleared and reinstated. At the height of his joy, his wife meets him in London. Together they dine at a good restaurant and attend a music hall performance. Dale’s evening in London is transformed into a catastrophe when he learns a past secret about Mavis that threatens his marriage. Confronted with this secret, Will and Mavis struggle to make their marriage work and become successful. Ironically, Dale is eventually confronted by the same scenario.

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Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson

Now first Published In order to cultivate the Principles of Virtue and Religion in the Minds of the Youth of Both Sexes.
A Narrative which has its Foundation in Truth and Nature; and at the same time that it agreeably entertains, by a Variety of curious and affecting Incidents, is entirely divested of all those Images, which, in too many Pieces calculated for Amusement only, tend to inflame the Minds they should instruct.
Pamela tells the story of a 14 year old lady’s maid named Pamela whose master, Mr. B., makes unwanted advances towards her. She rejects him continually, and her virtue is eventually rewarded when he shows his sincerity by proposing an equitable marriage to her.
In Pamela’s letters to her “poor but exemplary parents” the story unfolds.

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The Witness

The Witness by Grace Livingston Hill

The Witness by Grace Livingston Hill

Paul Cortland seems to have it all as a popular, successful athlete and college student. Tragedy leads him to find peace through the faith of a classmate. Paul must overcome temptations of his own emotions and troublesome friends to grow in his faith. He struggles to make his mark in a positive way to those he meets.

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The Bertrams

The Bertrams by Anthony Trollope

The Bertrams by Anthony Trollope

This is a massive effort, taking place in England and the Middle East, with a cast of thousands… Well, not thousands, fortunately, but certainly a great many. There are three Bertrams present: Sir Lionel, his son George (our hero), and the wealthy uncle. The primary story involves the joining of two couples (following some rocky periods), and the disposal of the uncle’s fortune. The more amusing bits focus on peripheral characters in the social settings of a fictional town and in travel on board ship or touring Egypt. Trollope digresses from time to time to lecture us on religion, politics, and eccentricities of the British tourist.

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Echoes Of My Journey

Echoes Of My Journey by Oluwasegun Femi Fragile

Echoes Of My Journey by Oluwasegun Femi Fragile

It only takes an emotional person to bring life into fiction. Echoes of My Journey by Oluwasegun Femi Fragile is an insightful analysis of a man’s pursuit of his choice(s) and his daily travel to his desired destination. It unveils in expressive details how he treads, adjusts to change, embraces pain and his communication with the voices in his head. This book is an adventure embarked on with mixed feelings; a sojourn of purpose with the will to conquer oneself or not.

The author reveals in rational lines a diary of a man on a journey to find himself. The trip on which he thirsts to strike a balance against the heaviest storm without which it will be difficult to attain relevance.

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Lizzie Leigh

Lizzie Leigh by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

Lizzie Leigh by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

A poignant tale about illicit love, regret ending in delight. It deals with the story of a young girl Lizzie who commits a sin and its repercussions. Gaskell brilliantly portraits the deep and true relations of a family and ends the story with a moving reunion. Touching and emotional!

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You Didn’t Care

You Didn't Care by Santosh Jha

You Didn't Care by Santosh Jha

Most men want their women bare. However, when women decide to unclothe their consciousnesses off the suffocating fabric of procrastination, men run away. A young woman, abandoned by her lover, bares it all for her ‘ex’ to see through. Because, she still loves him. Men need be in apt audience as a woman resonates her bosom baritone. A ‘neurotic’ woman’s monologue, men need to engage with.

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at AllYouCanBooks.com for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

Enoch Arden

Enoch Arden by Baron Alfred Tennyson

Enoch Arden by Baron Alfred Tennyson

In the poem “Enoch Arden,” Tennyson’s epic narrative of the enduring power of love in the face of insurmountable odds, is found a classic example of the determination of the human spirit to triumph in circumstances that address the true meaning of the power of love itself. Wanting only the very best for his impoverished wife and family, seaman Enoch Arden undertakes precarious work which leaves him marooned and presumed lost at sea. On his return home Enoch finds his family well and prospering but his wife remarried. Faced with a love for his family deeper than the oceans he sailed, Enoch must decide whether to intrude into this idyllic scene of domestic happiness or meet old age and death alone and in obscurity.

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Love Poems and Others

Love Poems and Others by D. H. Lawrence

Love Poems and Others by D. H. Lawrence

This is a collection of poems by DH Lawrence. Most of the poems concern love and neighboring emotions, but some poems also concern other themes.

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The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid

The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid by Thomas Hardy

The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid by Thomas Hardy

A milkmaid, Margery, encounters a mysterious foreigner and perhaps prevents him from committing suicide. In gratitude, the man offers her any reward she can name. She tells him she wants to go to a ball. He takes her, admittedly a bit reluctantly, to a yeoman’s ball in a neighboring county. From there the story continues because of course, a lot happens after the ball. She happens to already have an engagement to a local lad but his hold over her seems to grow of its own accord. This Hardy story may not end the way you wish, but that is often true of stories by this master writer.

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at AllYouCanBooks.com for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.