American Sinner

American Sinner by Michel Poulin

American Sinner by Michel Poulin

1973 Los Angeles : Young Patricia Love is continuing her university studies (and her partying) at the UCLA, while Jennifer Woods strip dances in a Santa Monica cabaret for a living and Sylvia Thorne plays the professional dominatrix by night. Three young women living by the three ā€˜Sā€™: Sex, Sin and Seduction. Three lives controlled by a supremely beautiful but also powerful and immortal being named Delicia, a being capable of using the highest magic. Originally meant to be evil, Delicia has an unusual streak of good in her, a streak that is gradually emerging and affecting more and more her actions. Those actions are however increasingly attracting the attention of both the Lords of Hell and of the angels hunting down demons like her.

AMERICAN SINNER is strictly meant for adult readers. It is however more of an Urban Fantasy story for adults than a pure Erotica novel and mixes in as well elements of science-fiction.

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