Tag Archives: unlimited audio books

In Search of the Unknown

In Search of the Unknown by Robert W. Chambers

In Search of the Unknown by Robert W. Chambers

Robert Chambers was a contemporary of Lovecraft, and this book consists of “weird supernatural tales” in a somewhat similar manner, except that the emphasis is on humor rather than horror. The narrator works for the newly opened Bronx Zoo in New York. He describes his adventures trying to obtain various rare specimens for the zoo’s collection, animals that range from the merely extinct to the considerably more unusual. Along the way, he invariably finds a beautiful woman to fall in love with.

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Precious Bane

Precious Bane by Mary Webb

Precious Bane by Mary Webb

Precious Bane is a novel by Mary Webb which touches on ambition, prejudice and hatred but also on the power of love. Prue Sarn is a farm girl in rural Shropshire during the period of the Napoleonic Wars and is viewed with suspicion by the local community because of having been born with a harelip. Her ambitious and domineering brother betrays her and her superstitious neighbours accuse her of witchcraft. An itinerant weaver Kester Woodseaves, makes his living by weaving for the local people in their homes. Like Prue, he loves the natural world and comes to recognises Prue’s inner strength and beauty.

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Love Through Cobra’s Eye

Love Through Cobra's Eye by Kimaya Mathew

Love Through Cobra's Eye by Kimaya Mathew

Rashi Sharma is in dire search of a job when she gets the offer for the post of Shesh Chauhan’s personal secretary by the elder brother, Vritra Chauhan. The world turns upside down for her when she comes to know that a snake, whom she saved a particular day from getting killed by the common people is a weresnake and has developed a certain attraction for her. What now? Will Rashi ever meet Vasu, the weresnake? Will she be able to tell him the depth of her love?

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Gentle Julia

Gentle Julia by Booth Tarkington

Gentle Julia by Booth Tarkington

Penrod for girls in the form of Florence, the bratty younger cousin of luminous Julia Atwater, enlivens this romantic comedy set in Tarkington’s Indiana of the early 20th Century.

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Poor Folk

Poor Folk by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Poor Folk by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Known as Fyodor Dostoyevski’s first novel, Poor Folk portrays the life of poor people and poverty in a general sense. This novel is short in comparison to most of Fyodor’s other works and is applauded for its humanitarian views. The interesting part is how it is put together. The novel is written as a compilation of letters written between the two main characters.

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The Flirt

The Flirt by Booth Tarkington

The Flirt by Booth Tarkington

Laura and Cora Madison and their younger brother Hedrick live with their parents in a Midwestern American town that is fairly bursting with Cora’s discarded and would-be beaus. Her flirtatiousness annoys the tempestuous Hedrick but not the reserved Laura. The return to town of a handsome, charming former resident and an encounter with a deranged young person set in motion a roller-coaster of events that interweave and play out to an exciting, emotional climax.

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Kept in the Dark

Kept in the Dark by Anthony Trollope

Kept in the Dark by Anthony Trollope

Kept in the Dark is a novel by the 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope. Cecilia Holt ends her engagement to Sir Francis Geraldine because of his indifference to her; she goes abroad and meets Mr George Western, who has been jilted by a beautiful girl. They marry but she does not tell him she has been previously engaged, although he has told her his story. When Western is informed of the previous engagement by Sir Francis, Western leaves his wife and goes abroad; she returns to Exeter to live with her mother. Her sister-in-law in the end effects a reconciliation. There is a comic sub-plot, involving one of Cecilia’s friends who attempts to marry Sir Francis.

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Joseph Andrews, Volume 2

Joseph Andrews, Volume 2 by Henry Fielding

Joseph Andrews, Volume 2 by Henry Fielding

Joseph Andrews was the first published full-length novel of the English author and magistrate Henry Fielding, and indeed among the first novels in the English language. Defined by Fielding as a ‘comic romance,’ it is the story of a good natured footman’s adventures on the road home from London with his friend and mentor, the absent-minded parson Abraham Adams.

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