Tag Archives: free audiobooks download

The Correspondence

The Correspondence by Mike Bozart

The Correspondence by Mike Bozart

A single man in Utah begins a letter exchange with a single lady in the Philippines. His brother later reveals the truth to her.

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Jacqui – Space Waif – Book 3

Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 3 by Charm Brights

Jacqui – Space Waif – Book 3 by Charm Brights

Jacqui’s life was hard as an orphan born in 2093. She went to a number of jobs which she mostly lost for petty theft, or refusing to co-operate with her boss. Along the way she learned to enjoy spanking. Eventually she ended up in jail with a three month sentence for petty theft

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The Rustlers of Pecos County

The Rustlers of Pecos County by Zane Grey

The Rustlers of Pecos County by Zane Grey

The town of Linrock, located in Pecos Couty is south Texas has fallen under the control of a gang of rustlers. Two Texas Lone Star Rangers are sent to Linrock to clean up the town .They soon fall in love with two girls who may be related to the leader of the gang of rustlers.There seems to be no good choice for these two dedicated lawmen.

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The Witch of Prague

The Witch of Prague by F. Marion Crawford

The Witch of Prague by F. Marion Crawford

The Wanderer is looking far and wide for the love of his life, Beatrice. Try as he may, he cannot find her again. Appealing to a witch might help, but instead of using her powers to help the lovers find one another again, Unorna keeps them apart as much as possible. Will there be a happy end?

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The Rebel Rose

The Rebel Rose by Justin McCarthy

The Rebel Rose by Justin McCarthy

The Rebel Rose is the story of Mary Stuart Beaton, a descendant of Mary Queen of Scots who has come to London in the hope of having her family claims legitimized. The Pretendress — as she is called, finds herself caught up in the devices of her own personal guardians as well as a scheming London society woman scorned by a powerful member of Parliament who has become an admirer of the Princess. Apart from the claims of royalty, Mary Beaton knows where her worth is found and she proves to be a formidable opponent for all those scheming for and against her.

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Graustark by George Barr McCutcheon

Graustark by George Barr McCutcheon

The Graustark novels are stories of court intrigue, royal disguise, and romance. They were popular best-sellers at the time they were published and the original editions are still readily available in used book shops. The novels gave their name to a fictional genre called Graustarkian: this genre contains tales of romance and intrigue usually featuring titled characters in small, fictional, Central European countries.

During the 1870’s, Graustark’s ruler, Prince Ganlook, was killed in a war with neighboring Axphain. As part of the ensuing peace treaty, Graustark agreed to pay a large indemnity to Axphain, to be due, with interest, in fifteen years.(Wikipedia)

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A Hunting We Will Go

A Hunting We Will Go by Charm Brights

A Hunting We Will Go by Charm Brights

In Kobekistan the Emir and his friends enjoy hunting, on horseback, with dogs. There are no foxes in Kobekistan so they hunt slaves, usually female, and the dogs they use are Irish Wolfhounds. Of course the “kill” is also different. Expensive slaves are not to be torn apart by dogs, so they are used to amuse the hunters. A little bit of everything hetero in here. Those of you who enjoyed Tamsin may well enjoy this.

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The First Book Of The Merciful Nun

The First Book Of The Merciful Nun by Charm Brights

The First Book Of The Merciful Nun by Charm Brights

A clever child from a very poor family in the latter part of the 19th century is accepted into the Convent but is then seduced by a worldly Novice. She is sent to the College of Correction and Redemption where she finds herself playing the whore for randy clerics who have all manner of sexual and Mdom ideas. After eighteen months of this she is returned to her convent, pregnant. Subsequently she uses the knowledge she gained during her time as a sexual and SM toy to gain preferment.

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at AllYouCanBooks.com for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

The Moorland Cottage

The Moorland Cottage by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

The Moorland Cottage by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

Maggie Brown is torn between her mother who constantly tells her to live for her selfish brother (to whom she gives all her love) to her wish to marry Frank and live for herself. Maggie’s plight for independence shows the change in women’s role, which started to take place during that time. But it also keeps to the tradition of an almost Cinderella story: the pure woman does the best for everyone but herself and is rewarded for that. In addition, this is a very interesting story, written in Gaskell’s remarkable style.

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at AllYouCanBooks.com for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

The Dark

The Dark by Leonid Andreyev

The Dark by Leonid Andreyev

The Dark is a novella about a desperate young man, a “terrorist and nihilist”, trying to avoid arrest by taking refuge in a brothel. The story focuses on his unfolding relationship with a prostitute in the brothel and the internal conflict which torments him. The author, Leonid Andreyev, an acclaimed Russian playwright and writer of short fiction, was noted for the darkness in his work. This book was published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf.

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