Tag Archives: audiobooks


Arachne by Georg Ebers

Arachne by Georg Ebers

Ledscha, living in ancient Egypt, has lost her betrothed and all hope of love. But the gods see otherwise. She now loves a Greek sculptor, who only wanted her for a model, but even that will not happen. She has been replaced by another woman for the statue of Arachne. Who do the gods see her with? Is it the Greek, or someone else?

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A Poor Wise Man

A Poor Wise Man by Mary Roberts Rinehart

A Poor Wise Man by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Mary Roberts Rinehart offers a superb blend of romance and suspense amidst political tensions in this story set in early 20th Century America. The characters are compelling and representative of the various socioeconomic classes. The reader follows the complicated relationship of Lily Cardew (just returned from working with the Red Cross during the war) who finds herself unable to go back to the empty social life of the rich and William Wallace Cameron, an honest, fearless and patriotic pharmacy clerk during the turbulent times of an industrial town.

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Jacqui – Space Waif – Book 2

Jacqui - Space Waif - Book 2 by Charm Brights

Jacqui – Space Waif – Book 2 by Charm Brights

Jacqui’s life was hard as an orphan born in 2093. She went to a number of jobs which she mostly lost for petty theft, or refusing to co-operate with her boss. Along the way she learned to enjoy spanking. Eventually she ended up in jail with a three month sentence for petty theft

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A Proposal Under Difficulties

A Proposal Under Difficulties by John Kendrick Bangs

A Proposal Under Difficulties by John Kendrick Bangs

A Proposal Under Difficulties is a humorous one act play written by John Kendrick Bangs about the mishaps of getting engaged.

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Easy Money

Easy Money by W. W. Jacobs

Easy Money by W. W. Jacobs

A girl needs money to get her boyfriend a gift. She has a plan. After all she is a pretty girl and has other suitors.

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Clementina by A. E. W. Mason

Clementina by A. E. W. Mason

This well-written novel is a fictional account of a true historical rescue mission. In 1719, at the age of 17, when she was on her way across Europe to marry James Stuart, the Catholic pretender to the British throne, Princess Maria Clementina Sobieska was kidnapped and held prisoner by Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, with the approval of his ally, the Protestant king of England. The king feared that the marriage would produce heirs who might raise a rebellion against the Crown, though Stuart’s own rebellion had failed four years earlier. But Irish soldier of fortune and Stuart’s ablest spy, hatches a daring plot to rescue the princess. Filled with spies, romance, palace intrigue and uncertain loyalties, this is the story of how Charles Wogan, once indicted for High Treason in Protestant England, set out to play his part on the international stage. Failure would mean certain death at the hands of Wogan’s powerful enemies. But would success bring the result he expects?

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Escape by Joana A. Park

Escape by Joana A. Park

What appears to be love at first sight becomes a twisted fate for Katya and Michael. Through a heart-wrenching battle, Katya must choose to save the man she loves or kill him in order to save herself. What will Katya choose? Will she sacrifice her life to save his life? To save their love? Katya’s made up her mind and she’s ready to make her move.Would you risk your life to save your favorite idol?

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Cleopatra by Georg Ebers

Cleopatra by Georg Ebers

The world knows the fate of the classic lovers Cleopatra and Mark Antony, so there is no need to announce a spoiler alert. Georg Ebers was a German Egyptologist who deftly applied his comprehensive knowledge of Rome and Egypt into a fictionalized account of the ill-fated romance between the Egyptian Queen and her Roman lover Mark Antony.

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The Loves of Great Composers

The Loves of Great Composers by Gustav Kobbé

The Loves of Great Composers by Gustav Kobbé

Gustav Kobbe was a German/US music critic who worked at the time of Liszt and Wagner in particular, and was clearly in the Wagnerian rather than the Brahms camp. His unusual style of writing and his strongly romantic take on the loves of these seven composers makes for entertaining listening, even though his facts and opinions may differ from more academic writers and biographers of these composers. Each composer occupies a section or chapter, with Wagner getting the fuller account in terms of length. In fact Gustav Kobbe claims he knew Liszt and Wagner as well as Cosima Wagner – so this must be quite original and authoritative. The 19C period and its atmosphere is conveyed by Kobbe’s unusual sentence construction and reads more like story telling rather than a written work.

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The Copper Princess

The Copper Princess by Kirk Munroe

The Copper Princess by Kirk Munroe

The Copper Princess: A Story of Lake Superior Mines is an adventure set in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The delightful story features a brave and wholesome hero struggling for his rightful copper mining inheritance against smugglers and bandits. He also encounters a beautiful and mysterious maiden who is caught in her father’s secret crimes.

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